Einfache und gesunde Smoothie-Rezepte - Wundermix GmbH

Easy and healthy smoothie recipes

Vitamin bombs prepared quickly. We have already tried 3 fruity smoothie variants for you. Simple, quick and super tasty!

Lecker, fluffige Neujahrsbrezel - Wundermix GmbH

Delicious, fluffy New Year's pretzel

Would you like to try something completely different for baking? We tried out a fluffy and delicious New Year's pretzel for you.

Apfel - Zimt - Flammkuchen - Wundermix GmbH

Apple - cinnamon - tarte flambée

Tarte flambée - hearty and salty or juicy and sweet! How do you prefer it? Today we decided on the sweet apple version and the optimal recipe for the perfect dough for you!

Krustenbraten vom Schwein mit Salzkartoffeln - Slow-Cooking mit WunderCap im Thermomix - Wundermix GmbH

Crusty pork roast with boiled potatoes - slow cooking with WunderCap in the Thermomix

With the Thermomix and WunderCap, preparing the perfect roast is guaranteed to be a success and thanks to the decelerated preparation with slow cooking, the roast becomes juicy and buttery-soft.

WunderCap-Rezept: Rindersteak à la Sous-vide mit WunderCap im Thermomix - Wundermix GmbH

WunderCap recipe: Beef steak à la sous-vide with WunderCap in the Thermomix

Meat lovers beware: trying to bring the perfect steak to the table has already driven one or two amateur chefs to despair. It's actually quite simple, because the long sous vide cooking time in the...

Tiefkühlpizza selbstgemacht - Wundermix GmbH

Homemade frozen pizza

We Thermomix owners always prefer to prepare everything ourselves, because self-made is particularly popular during Corona times and we are free to decide which ingredients are allowed in - and whi...

Zartes Rinderfilet mit feuriger Ingwer-Chili Sauce - Wundermix GmbH

Tender beef fillet with fiery ginger-chilli sauce

Since you're unfortunately not allowed to travel abroad at the moment, let's just try our hand at Asian cuisine. True to the motto: Why wander into the distance when the good is so close? Our res...

Sandwich Baguettes à la Subway - Wundermix GmbH

Sandwich baguettes à la Subway

"Whole or half?" If these words immediately make you think of Subway, you should read on carefully. Because today we're sharing a very special treat with you: the fluffy baguettes from Subway

Sommerliche Açaí Bowl mit Früchten - Wundermix GmbH

Summery açaí bowl with fruits

According to the calendar, summer time began on March 29th. So that we can slowly but surely get in the mood for summer time, there is an açaí bowl.

Thermomix®-Brotrezept: Fluffige Dinkelkruste - Wundermix GmbH

Thermomix® bread recipe: Fluffy spelled crust

Is there anything nicer than biting into the fresh crust of homemade bread? Today our trainee Lucas is sharing his absolute favorite bread recipe with you.

Dampfgaren im Varoma: Saftiges Schinken-Omelette mit Schnittlauch aus dem Thermomix Varoma - Wundermix GmbH

Steam cooking in the Varoma: Juicy ham omelet with chives from the Thermomix Varoma

Today we're sharing a very special treat with you - juicy omelettes can be steamed wonderfully in the base of the Varoma! And the best thing: Thanks to our WunderGar cooking paper, the Thermomix s...

Backen im Varoma: Bananen-Schoko-Kuchen aus dem Thermomix-Varoma - Wundermix GmbH

Baking in the Varoma: Banana chocolate cake from the Thermomix Varoma

Have you ever tried a cake made from the Thermomix Varoma? We'll show you how to bake a delicious banana chocolate cake in Varoma.