Recipes for your Thermomix

BeilagenDattel-Curry-Dip mit dem Thermomix

Dattel-Curry-Dip mit dem Thermomix

Dieser Dattel-Curry-Dip aus dem Thermomix ist die perfekte Kombination aus süßen und würzigen Aromen. Der Dip eignet sich hervorragend als Snack oder zu einer Party mit Freunden und Familie. Die Zu...

BeilagenMediterraner Tomatenaufstrich mit dem Thermomix

Mediterraner Tomatenaufstrich mit dem Thermomix

Dieses Thermomix Rezept für einen mediterranen Tomatenaufstrich bringt den Geschmack des Südens direkt auf Dein Brot. Mit dem Miximizer kannst Du die Zutaten schnell und gleichmäßig vermengen, soda...

BeilagenKartoffelklöße mit dem Fleischwolf

Potato dumplings with the mincer

Potato dumplings are a real classic - especially at Christmas time! With the Thermomix and the meat grinder attachment to the multifunctional axis WunderCentix you are sure to succeed with this sid...

BeilagenRotkohl selber machen mit dem Thermomix

Make your own red cabbage with the Thermomix

Red cabbage - or red cabbage as it is known in many places - is a classic festive side dish! With this simple recipe, your Thermomix with Varoma and our WunderSlicer V2 or WunderCentix Vegetable cu...

BeilagenWinterlicher Salat mit Kräuterdressing

Winter salad with herb dressing

Sometimes it only takes a few fresh ingredients to conjure up an incredibly tasty dish. This salad with a creamy herb and yoghurt dressing is not only healthy, but also a real explosion of flavor. ...

BeilagenKohlrouladen wie von Oma mit dem Thermomix

Cabbage rolls like grandma made with the Thermomix

Cabbage rolls are a classic comfort dish that simply always tastes good. With the Thermomix and the Varoma, they are particularly tender and juicy - without any great effort. The filling of minced ...

BeilagenSpinneneier für Halloween mit dem Thermomix

Spider eggs for Halloween with the Thermomix

Are you looking for a scary and delicious snack for your Halloween party? Our spider eggs are the perfect choice! Cooked in the Thermomix and artfully decorated with olives to make little spiders, ...

BeilagenDeutscher geht es nicht: Krautsalat aus dem Thermomix - Wundermix GmbH

Simple coleslaw from the Thermomix

Salad is a classic that is enjoyed all year round. One of the most popular varieties is coleslaw, which is a must in any good pub or beer garden. The coleslaw from the Thermomix makes it easier to ...

BeilagenMit dem Thermomix Stockbrot zubereiten

With the Thermomix Prepare bread on a stick

If there is a campfire in the garden or at camp, one dish is a must: Thermomix stick bread. This is a very special type of bread which, as the name suggests, is baked on a stick over an open flame....

BeilagenSample Winter salad with herb dressing