
Walnuss-Milchtorte Ohne Backen - Wundermix GmbH

Walnut milk tart without baking

New recipes in the Landhaus team blog

Hefeapfelblechkuchen - Wundermix GmbH

Yeast apple sheet cake

New recipes in the LandhausTeam blog

Grüne Bandnudeln Mit Garnelen - Wundermix GmbH

Green tagliatelle with prawns

New recipes in the Landhaus team blog

Serbisches Reisfleisch - Wundermix GmbH

Serbian rice meat

New recipes in the Landhaus-Team blog

Muttertags Canapès Mit Radieschen Und Käsecreme - Wundermix GmbH

Mother's Day canapés with radish and cheese cream

New recipes in the Landhaus team blog

Putenstückchen In Erdnusssoße - Wundermix GmbH

Turkey pieces in peanut sauce

New recipes in the Landhaus-Team Blog

Rotes Apfelgelee - Wundermix GmbH

Red apple jelly

New recipes in the Landhaus-Team blog

Winterkräuter Auf Vorrat - Wundermix GmbH

Winter herbs in stock

New recipes in the Landhaus-Team blog

Turkish herb salt

New recipes in the Landhaus team blog

Ratatouille escalope

New recipes in the Landhaus team blog

Nut bites from the oven witch

New recipes in the Landhaus team blog

Kürbis-Apfel-Konfitüre - Wundermix GmbH

Pumpkin and apple jam

Recipe for mixing in the Landhaus recipe blog