Thermomix-Rezept: Lachs auf Hüttenkäse & Rosenkohl - Wundermix GmbH

Thermomix recipe: Salmon on cottage cheese & Brussels sprouts

The salmon on Brussels sprouts and cottage cheese is super easy to prepare, delicious and, on top of that, nice and light

Thermomix-Rezept: Hasenkekse für Ostern - Wundermix GmbH

Thermomix recipe: bunny cookies for Easter

Perfect for Easter time: delicious bunny cookies!

Thermomix-Rezept: Nudeln in Auberginen-Tomaten-Sauce mit Salsiccia-Bällchen - Wundermix GmbH

Thermomix recipe: Pasta in eggplant and tomato sauce with salsiccia balls

They say pasta is always good, right? And especially with delicious eggplant and tomato sauce and salsiccia balls, we say. :)

Thermomix-Rezept: Flammkuchen mit Lauch und Speck - Wundermix GmbH

Thermomix recipe: Tarte flambée with leek and bacon

Quickly made dough from the Thermomix, classic topping of leek and bacon and a delicious tarte flambée is ready.

Thermomix-Rezept: Karottenbrötchen - Wundermix GmbH

Thermomix recipe: carrot rolls

The carrots in today's Thermomix recipe make the dough juicy and give the rolls their distinctive color.

Thermomix-Rezept: Italienisches Omelette aus dem Varoma - Wundermix GmbH

Thermomix recipe: Italian omelet from Varoma

Today we have a delicious omelet from Varoma for you. An Italian version with artichokes, olives, mozzarella and salami. Preparation is easy and cooking in Varoma means you don't need any oil.

Thermomix-Rezept: Germknödel mit Vanillesauce - Wundermix GmbH

Thermomix recipe: yeast dumplings with vanilla sauce

This time we have a delicious dessert from Varoma for you: yeast dumplings. Filled with plum jam and accompanied by delicious vanilla sauce.

Thermomix-Rezept: Kartoffel-Wirsing-Suppe mit Einlage - Wundermix GmbH

Thermomix recipe: potato and savoy cabbage soup with garnish

Hardly anything warms you up more in winter than a nice warm soup. This one consists of seasonal ingredients and impresses, among other things, with the inlay. And it's quick too.

Schoko-Milchbrötchen - Wundermix GmbH

Chocolate milk buns

Better than from the supermarket

NY Cheese Cake aus dem Thermomix - Wundermix GmbH

NY Cheese Cake from the Thermomix

Cream cheese instead of quark and biscuit base instead of shortcrust pastry.

Guarkernmehl Smoothie - Wundermix GmbH

Guar gum smoothie

Protein smoothie 2.0: Creamy, same taste, fewer calories - it's that easy.

Pumpkin Pie - Wundermix GmbH

Pumpkin pie

Seasonal Favorite: Pumpkin in the traditional dessert of US cuisine