Leidenschaftlich gut: Tsatsiki aus dem Thermomix - Wundermix GmbH

Passionately good: Tsatziki from the Thermomix

The next barbecue party is coming up or are you in the mood for delicious Mediterranean cuisine? In such a case, one dish cannot be missed: the Thermomix tzatziki. A crunchy cucumber ensures freshn...

Linsensuppe schmeckt gut aus dem Thermomix - Wundermix GmbH

Lentil soup tastes good from the Thermomix

The lentil soup from the Thermomix is ​​a warming classic that is always popular on the table in winter. The red lentil soup is not only delicious, but also particularly strengthening. This is due ...

Zwiebelkuchen mit dem Thermomix: lässt sich schmecken - Wundermix GmbH

Onion cake with the Thermomix: it's delicious

Onion cake is one of the great classics of German cuisine. The perfect way to enjoy this hearty piece of culinary finesse is with a glass of white wine. Your Thermomix supports you in preparing the...

Mit dem Thermomix eine schmackhafte Blumenkohlsuppe zaubern - Wundermix GmbH

Create a tasty cauliflower soup with the Thermomix

Soup is wholesome, strengthening and tastes good at any time of the year. This is especially true for the Thermomix cauliflower soup. Cauliflower not only contains numerous important vitamins, but ...

Fleischig. Käsig. Mit der Lasagne im Thermomix. - Wundermix GmbH

Fleshy. Cheesy. With the lasagna in the Thermomix.

The Thermomix lasagna is the epitome of culinary well-being. With your Thermomix you can make lasagne, one of the great classics of northern Italian cuisine, faster and easier than ever. Minced mea...

Wie fermentiere ich Naturjoghurt im Thermomix? - Wundermix GmbH

How do I ferment natural yogurt in the Thermomix?

Place Simsafix in the mixing bowl and ferment your homemade natural yogurt.

Schmackhaft: Semmelknödel via Thermomix zubereiten - Wundermix GmbH

Tasty: Prepare bread dumplings using the Thermomix

The dumpling is a classic of Central European cuisine. The recipe for the bread dumplings from the Thermomix is ​​based on traditional recipes that are often passed down from generation to generati...

Rustikales Baguette - einfach und gelingsicher - Wundermix GmbH

Rustic baguette - simple and sure to succeed

We have revealed the secret to the perfect baguette: few ingredients, a high proportion of water in the dough and sufficient resting time make the difference!

Zimt-Schoko-Schnecken mit Zuckerguss - Wundermix GmbH

Cinnamon chocolate rolls with icing

Cinnamon rolls are particularly common in Scandinavia. But the particles have also become increasingly popular in the Wundermix office recently and are eaten in large numbers by the staff.

Himbeer-Thymian-Spritz mit MixFino - Wundermix GmbH

Raspberry-thyme spritz with MixFino

A fruity refreshment for hot days!

CAPRI-Eis am Stiel ☀️ - Wundermix GmbH

CAPRI ice cream on a stick ☀️

Summer is slowly but surely arriving and we are already arming ourselves with a fruity refreshment. Capri ice cream is one of the most popular water ice cream variations and with only 4 ingredient...

Backware zum Nachmachen: Nussecken aus dem Thermomix - Wundermix GmbH

Baked goods to imitate: nut wedges from the Thermomix

Hazelnuts, almonds, chocolate - in the nut wedges from the Thermomix you combine ingredients that harmonize perfectly with each other. The mixing bowl of your kitchen helper is ideal for using the ...