Verwöhne Dich mit einem warmen Apfel-Zimt-Porridge aus dem Thermomix. Die neue Flockenquetsche für den WunderCentix hilft Dir, frische Haferflocken zu quetschen, sodass Dein Porridge außergewöhnlic...

Glutenfreies Nuss-Samen-Brot mit dem Thermomix
Genieße ein köstliches Nuss-Samen-Brot, das glutenfrei, vegan, keto und sogar paleo ist – alles mit dem Thermomix! Mit der Flockenquetsche kannst Du in Kombination mit dem WunderCentix frische Nüss...

Joghurtkruste mit dem Thermomix
Dieses leckere Krustebrot aus dem Thermomix - auch Joghurtkruste genannt - macht seinem Namen alle Ehre! Unwiderstehlich knusprig! Und das Beste: Mit unserem WunderCentix kannst Du jetzt auch eine ...

Bereite ein leckeres Dinkelbrot im Thermomix zu. Mit dem WunderCentix kannst Du dafür sogar in Kombination mit dem Getreidemühlen-Aufsatz das benötigte Dinkelmehl selber mahlen! Dieses Brotrezept ...

Potato dumplings with the mincer
Potato dumplings are a real classic - especially at Christmas time! With the Thermomix and the meat grinder attachment to the multifunctional axis WunderCentix you are sure to succeed with this sid...

Make your own red cabbage with the Thermomix
Red cabbage - or red cabbage as it is known in many places - is a classic festive side dish! With this simple recipe, your Thermomix with Varoma and our WunderSlicer V2 or WunderCentix Vegetable cu...

Ravioli with ricotta and spinach filling
Homemade ravioli are a highlight in the kitchen - and with the pasta attachment for the WunderCentix this dish is particularly easy to make. In this recipe, we show you how to make delicious ravio...

Winter salad with herb dressing
Sometimes it only takes a few fresh ingredients to conjure up an incredibly tasty dish. This salad with a creamy herb and yoghurt dressing is not only healthy, but also a real explosion of flavor. ...

Versatile shortbread with the mincer
With just a few baking ingredients and your WunderCentix mincer you can conjure up delicious shortbread cookies that not only taste wonderful, but also look impressive. Whether classic or in one of...

The boost for your immune system with your Thermomix
Looking for a natural boost for your immune system? With your Thermomix and the WunderCentix juicer attachment (slow juicing) you can prepare a mild ginger shot in no time at all that provides you...

Green juice with pineapple, apple and spinach
A green juice is the perfect start to the day - it provides the body with valuable vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. The fresh mix of apples, spinach, cucumber and pineapple stimulates digestio...

Fresh breakfast juice for the whole family
Looking for a delicious breakfast juice for the whole family? This refreshing juice made from carrots, apples, lemon and orange provides you with the perfect portion of vitamins to start the day. ...