You might have wondered what the perfect supplement for the dumplings is. For me it was clear: something to dip into, that would be great. Süß-sauer-scharf-pikant-fruchtig: A taste experience that is hard to put into words, but my mango chutney tasted just like that. Ideal to dip in the dumplings and give you a nice orange coating.
TM5 - For 2 Glowers
- 2 Chilis
- 2-3 cm Ginger, geschält
- 1 mature Mango
- 100g brown sugar
- 2 go. TL Food test
- juice of 1 lime
- 100ml Water
- 70g Raisins
- 2 EL White wine vinegar
Mix It
- wash, core and cut chilis into coarse pieces
- Cut ginger into coarse pieces
- Pour chillies, ginger and 50g sugar into the mixing bowl → 10 sec. | Level 6
- shred mango, cut into coarse pieces. Add to ginger/chilli/sugar mixture and chop → 5 sec. | step 5
- Add remaining ingredients and cook (open) → 10 min | Level 1 | 100 degrees
- Chrush chutney further as required
Pimp It
Fill Chutney in hüc Glüser, label and give away ... or of course enjoy it yourself :-)