Thermomix-Recipe: Italian omelette from the Varoma

Thermomix-Rezept: Italienisches Omelette aus dem Varoma - Wundermix GmbH

Today we have a delicious omelette from the Varoma füfor you. The practical thing about an omelette is that it is wonderfully variable. Ultimately, you can put whatever you want in it.öwant. Apart from the eggs, of courseüOf course, they are kind of a must for an omelette, aren't they? ;)

This time we opted forüItalian version with artichokes, olives, mozzarella and salami. It almost looks like pizza, doesn't it? Preparation is easy and cooking in the Varoma means you don't need a Öl.


- 75 g creamächeese
- 4 eggs, grsizeM
30 ml milk
Salt and pepper
- 100 g mozzarella
- 4-5 slices of salami
4 to 6 artichokes from the jar
olives, quantity to taste, halved
a few sprigs of thyme


1. First make the creamäcream into the mixing bowl and chop for 3 seconds on speed 8. Then düAdd the eggs, milk and spices.üAdd the eggs, milk and spices and mix everything for 15 seconds on speed 10. 


2. Now fill the shallow Varoma insert with ThermiGar cooking paper and carefully pour in the egg mixture. Spread the olives, mozzarella, salami, artichokes and thyme leaves over the egg mixture. Then briefly rinse out the mixing bowl, fill with 500 ml water and place the Varoma on top. Then cook the omelette for 20 minutes on Varoma level 1.


The delicious Italian omelette is ready. :)


Enjoy your meal!
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