Recipes for your Thermomix

EinkochenSelbstgemachtes Pflaumenkompott aus dem Thermomix

Homemade plum compote from the Thermomix

Whether you call them damsons or plums: The sweet stone fruit, which is slowly stewed in its own juice, is simply a delight as a stewed fruit compote! With your Thermomix the preparation is child'...

EinkochenEinmachgläser sterilisieren im Varoma von Thermomix

Sterilizing preserving jars in the Varoma from Thermomix

Do you want to preserve your fresh summer harvest and still enjoy it in winter as jam or compote? Germs and bacteria are the biggest enemies that can spoil your preserves. Don't worry! To disinfec...

DampfentsaftenBeeren-Gelee aus dem Thermomix

Berry jelly from the Thermomix

The berry season can't be long enough for you? Then this basic recipe for the Thermomix is just the thing for you. Whether fresh strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, redcurrants or all of them ...